וְהָיָה בַּיּוֹם הַהוּא יִתָּקַע בְּשׁוֹפָר גָּדוֹל

וְהָיָה בַּיּוֹם הַהוּא, יִתָּקַע בְּשׁוֹפָר גָּדוֹל, וּבָאוּ הָאֹבְדִים בְּאֶרֶץ אַשּׁוּר, וְהַנִּדָּחִים בְּאֶרֶץ מִצְרָיִם; וְהִשְׁתַּחֲווּ לַיהוָה בְּהַר הַקֹּדֶשׁ, בִּירוּשָׁלִָם
The Mashpia blowing Shofar with a lot of emotion in a room that looks like a bunker. Possibly when he was serving at the elite services some years ago. These pictures were send in with the following description: "The Mashpia is always there to give us Chizuk to make sure we dont loose our faith".

Barry's grandfather with the Rebbe Rayat"s

In conjunction with the posts of the famous Barry silver, here is a picture of his grandfather, rabbi Eliezer silver - which was chief rabbi of America and Canada for many years - with the Frierdiker Rebbe.

It’s known that he had a very strong connection with the Rebbe and Frierdiker Rebbe. this is also brought down in wikipidia about him, "Rabbi Silver was also a close friend and colleague of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn, the Sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, and had a great deal of correspondence with him and later his successor, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson".

For more info about him check http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eliezer_Silver

EGP Enjoys Steaks on Overnight

Shopping for Camp in Israel

כד' טבת

Being that today is the yahrtzeit of the Alter Rebbe, it is a great opportunity to farbreng and to take 'haclatos tovos'. If you need help deciding what to take upon yourself, feel free to call your counselor or learning teacher.

Basketball in Pj's

More to come Iy"h.

More flags more fun...

At the end of the day we all agree as to what is really the funniest ride in 6 flags.

אמאל איז דער שבת...היינט איז דער שבת

אמאל איז דער שבת געווען א זמן עבודה. א גאנצע וואך האט מען געווארט אויפן שבת. שבת האט מען געלערנט חסידות, שבת האט מען מאריך געווען בתפילה, שבת האט מען געהערט א מאמר חסידות, שבת איז מען זיך צוזאמען געקומען באהבת ידידים, און געשמועסט אין דברי התעוררות, דערציילט ספורי רביים, ספורי חסידים, שבת האט מען אגגעזאמלט כחות רוחניים אויף דורכצולעבן די ששת ימי החול .

היינט איז דער שבת א מנוחת הגוף טאג . .

(ספר המאמרים תש"ח עמ' 257, עיי"ש)

if you have a pisgom send it in and we will post it

Mystery Man (Men)

Although the picture is blurry, his behemoth size leaves no room for doubt (pun intended).

Barry sings as campers listen

Chassidshe Farbrengen

A Chassidshe Farbrengen was held at one of Crown Heights's finest restaurants. Participating at Farbrengen were: The Mashpia (obviously...); his BIGGEST Mushpa - Pif; BLD Levi Varnai; BLT Jo Jo, and the Camp directors Rabbi Shloime Rutman Shlita, and Zalmy Spritzer.
The Mashpia stuck to healthy food (Taives and Mashpia dont go together!)
Pif's plate was empty before you had the time to see what he ordered
The Mashpia obviously had iskafya and didn't finish the full plate
The food was good (Pif wanted more and more...)
The Farbrengen was concluded with a group picture and good Hachlatos.

Recording a new album

Looks like Binyomin and Yosef are recording a new album...

Mivtzoim in Six flags

The BIG hug

Upon hearing the good news that the Mashpia had past his Bossor Becholov test he was greeted by his BIGGEST Mushpa who gave him a BIG hug.

Campers Meet Legendary Barry

Rabbi Bunim Tzemach Silver, better known as Barry, is the grandson of the great Rabbi Eliezer Silver, President of Agudat Harabonim and Rabbi in Cincinnati till his passing in February 1968. Barry lives close to the Cincinnati Yeshiva and is strongly devoted and active in the Yeshiva and in the Bochrim's personal needs, and therefore also called by some as Zaide!

Barry is in Crown Heights for a short while and gave us the merit to have him today by our weekly Seder Sichos. Pictures were taken from all sides as Barry spoke and joked around with the campers that greeted him with love.
Discussing a question in a Maamer...
Having a private talk with the Mashpia
Smiling at to the cameras that didn't stop flashing
Trying to fit on ONE bench that obviously broke...

To be continued...

Oh Bubby, you know what i like...

♪ Oh Bubby, you know what i like... ♫
Always buying for the einiklach...

The Mashpia and the Color Red

Apparently it wasn't only the hat.
Well, duh! We should have known. After all, his grandmother did own a pair of shoes...

Levi Exposed

For all those wondering how BLT Levi Marlow Shlita had such a well behaved class (Oh Sheken..), here, take a look:
...and this was only practice!!!

...אז מ'איז צוגעבונדן אויבן

Regards from Cincinnati

The sun is just rising, cold and chili winds fill the Cincinnati sky. Indoors however theres a different air; It's the Bochurim in Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati, and their Hachanos for Yud Shevat. . The Zal is warm and bright, filled with Bochurim learning Basi Legani. It’s a half hour before Seder Chassidus, and the Bochurim in Yeshvas Lubavitch Cincinnati are working on their Hachana for Yud Shvat.

“Every Bocher has his own way of improving and preparing himself”, said Rabbi Gershon Avtzon (Menahel - Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati.) "Our Talmidei Hashluchim have designed a Mivtza in which every Bocher can take part. We are reaching 60 years of the Rebbe's Nesiyus, and every Bachur can and must get ready."

Learning Chitas, Rambam, Sichos, going to the Mikvah, and Mamorim Bal Peh, are just some of the Hachnos that Bochurim are adding to their daily routine. The Bochurim are putting a special emphasis on Shmiras Hasedorim - reaching the full 60 hours of Seder a week - that would surely bring great Nachas to the Rebbe in honor of 60 years.

Special Shiurim on Hiskashrus were delivered by Rabbi Kalmonson - the head Shliach of southern Ohio - and the Chavrei Hanhalla. These Shiurim are just one of the many programs in honor of Yud Shvat.